can you take silica and collagen together

Yes, it actually is but it's not like regular, old dirt. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is silica. The reason DE works so well is the very fine dust kills insects of any kind. ACID A CAL 3 capsules with meal 3 times a day and vit k-2 once a day. These do work to a certain degree. Garden of Life Organic Plant Collagen Builder. That's really special. I take Biotin for my hair. (I feel the same about bottled water) Also, I take calcium and magnesium….thanks for your advice. Many different doctors, continued working on the research and continued working with different versions. The silica is creating it. For example, just 24 years later researchers developed G4. You’re most welcome for the clarification! DE is know to interfere with microscopic organisms, such as bacteria. The Medical Establishment takes a “silver bullet” approach to health, isolating a particular biological process and “aiming” at it with a synthetic chemical. This is the juice that gives babies their bounce when they're so young. If you choose to take an animal-based collagen supplement or a vegan collagen builder, make sure you also take steps to make your lifestyle healthier overall. One thing that's most important is that this mineral supports many bodily functions. Also wondering if it would be better to find and take an organic cucumber powder for silica. DE has other mechanisms of eliminating harmful organisms, as well. Silica is taking in the food and it is growing from its own source all the other minerals, and it's especially producing calcium. It does not harm your body as it's performing this action. Collagen: Building Block for Joint Comfort. I seemed to have lost the email–did you by chance get it? We are going to deliver an amazing explanation of silica. DE can be taken from either fresh or salt water sources. If you feel like experimenting, you can also blend it into coffee, brownies, pancakes, smoothies and other recipes seamlessly. Connected with that calcified plaque is calcification in the arteries, and I think there is a direct correlation there with dental plaques and heart disease. I have a three year history of the denosumab treatment coing to a close this January…I just wrote out an email detailing the experience in case you are interested or in case other women may learn from my experience. There can be a host of other effects, but weight gain is what we're most concerned about, here. There is no proof that it's actually safe for long-term research, so I ended up talking more extensively and getting a lot of e-mails from the company and getting the background history of the scientists and the doctors who worked on the earlier versions – G1, G4, G5 – and how this product is actually made. If you're taking more than your body can possibly use for your jing and for your health, it just excretes it out very safely. It's like water, but it's slightly slippery. There is no calcium. Food grade quality means the DE has been essentially cleaned from naturally occurring living organisms. I noticed my hair grows really fast when I take silica. This is not a chemical action at all, in fact it's purely mechanical. If you see white, a filler likely has been used because pure silicone should not change color at all. He was determined to figure out being how chickens had solid, hard shells made of calcium, yet when he took the silica out of its diet, the shells were soft, they didn't work and didn't form solid, hard calcium shells. What are your thoughts on Bonolive? You can take various doses of these foods, and you can take it ongoing as a food. The very fine particles should be kept out of the lungs due to its abrasive quality. The same action described above for cleansing your body applies to reducing populations of parasites and other unhealthy bacteria. I've used silica personally doing mouse shot doses, and I could feel the Candida going down in my brain. There are few natural substances comparable to Diatomaceous Earth (DE) in terms of usefulness across the board. The amount of collagen from silica in the bones when we're young makes the bone matrix so dense, and it's the silica that is a very important part of the osteoblastic activity of making the calcium attach to the bones in that dense network. 21218 St Andrews Blvd #240 One important note is Diatomaceous Earth is restricted in some US states such as Texas. In fact, you can filter out particles down to 3 to 5 microns. I’m going to submit this as is, hoping you can confirm that I successfully submitted it to youa few inutes ago…, anne.hedley@ (206) 615-1004 (work phone) He observed how they laid eggs with shells of solid calcium. If these can be replaced with one highly recommended one like the Diatomaceous Earth Supplementation it would be so much easier for us all…. As it's absorbing you can start to feel the effects. Taken daily, benefits all the above AND some. Yet at the same time it's deadly to bacteria, parasites, and internal fungus such as the yeast, Candida albicans. Consumers all around the world are in no short supply of nutritional supplements. One accidental benefit at the time was the farmer mistaking it for limestone. When a spray is desired, refer to spray rates. When they've taken animals and done x-rays on a weekly basis of rats with broken bones, and they give them increased organic silica that can actually be used by the body, they see a very rapid knitting of the bones in growing back and forming within two weeks. It’s nearly always in the form of silica, and that’s the form of this mineral we’re going to discuss today. However, for the purest, human grade material, you'll want to only use fresh water sourced DE. That's the American title. My question is that the seller only promotes the 70% for skin-hair-nails, not mentioning bones…WHY? Basically, aging is loss of elasticity. Tendons and ligaments need silica and its' biochemical by-products for health and flexibility. He knows it all, and it's great. I am on 70% 300mg Bamboo Silica capsules, 1x day. Start when you are as young as possible, although starting at any time is smart.. You'll get benefits no matter when you start. For me, including DE (foodgrade Diatomaceous Earth) every day or two in a morning or midday drink or shake has benefited me a few ways. New posts will not be retrieved. The SilaLive Silica supplement is the number one best silica product we have. Bad carbonate calcium causes spurs . Silica plays a significant role to build bone and maintain its integrity and strength. Now, with further research due to some very important people, whom I'll talk about, silica is now considered one of the top 12 elements necessary for life. A healthy body contains larger populations of these beneficial bacteria than harmful strains. You want to avoid the crystallized, hard metallic silicas, or any supplement company that says they're selling an ionic silica or mineral supplement. It's a nasty cycle that will not improve on its own. Some uses are also ideally suited for either marine DE or fresh water. That is just one way DE can provide health benefits and there are many more. We'll talk about how it affects aging and degeneration over time too as its ratios change. Follow on Instagram * So that in a nutshell is why organic silica is so extremely important for healthy skin. We'll cover that and more as you read on. That's what they were recommending. This is very deep. If you take food grade DE, then stay hydrated and just mix it with water or juice. Health is not a short sprint. Whether it goes to the pericardium, the heart, the lungs or the chest, it can even go to the kidneys and the liver, it can be pretty serious. Even back then, there was interest in DE, and Alfred Nobel, of Nobel Prize fame, used it to make gunpowder. The most often-cited precaution is to always avoid breathing in the finely ground DE dust. You're not going to convert minerals the way they're supposed to. There has to be silica deficiency in that part of the body for a period of time before the problem arises. 2 bad knees up for sugary, 2 stenosis spinal issues, small area of gout. The latter acid is needed for the production of collagen type 1 and the creation of osteoblastic cells. the sediment left in it. Ingestion of non-food grade DE can be fatal to your pet. What are your thought on this? You're putting an element which comes from the youth of the embryo that is only abundant in your body at the beginning of life. This element expires, the silica goes down, and then the transmuting of other minerals goes out of balance. 3.4. Final Verdict . The bacteria do a lot of other wonderful things, too, but that's not the subject of our talk. He observed when his mother cut open the chickens and cut open the gizzard that there was just silica sand left behind. By the way, a very interesting article on the difference between silicon and silica. He's big into organic silica supplements, and he says he can literally see some of his patient's bone structures change, their skin quality and their thickness, and he really thinks about it from a core structure point of view, which is great. In addition, this material should be processed in a way that purifies it so that the supplement in question contains only pure DE. It underwent a name change because a co-distributor set up in America, and it's know known as Living Organic Silica. For silica content, the millet is the highest at 500 mg per 100 grams of silica content. There was this sand left behind from the mica, but the silica aspect was gone. You state to get 10 mg from food, Recently bought enerex bamboo silica where each capsule 70 mg and they sat to take 4 capsules per day, Is this too much. It's chelated silica, chelated to water-soluble bioflavinoids. I have had tremendous results from SEVERE PAIN (age 79). We have all this abundance of it when we're young, and it just goes down, and there's nothing we seem to be able to do about it as it's just part of nature, constantly transmuting this and that, and this and that, we burn out the reserves of the silica. What happens with this bacteria ferment of silica sand and silica oxygen molecule bound to water, when you take it in it absorbs immediately into your body and goes through and converts into silica that's totally usable, like a 60% conversion rate as opposed to anywhere from 4-15% with other foods. They then apply this to supplements, prescribing a single mineral, calcium, to help “treat” osteoporosis, along with prescription drugs. These things start to grow. These are high silica elements. In time, you have a toxic environment that attacks your immune system and entire body. In the human body, we have all this silica when we're young, and we have all this health and all this softness and pliability. DE can seem to be a super hero in the most natural way. Imagine flushing out your entire gastrointestinal tract with a gentle scrapper. DE can treat against the following: aphids, ants, cockroaches, boll worms, corn worms, common house flies, fruit flies, spider mites, termites, boll weevil, and there are more. The real healing we need is the silica. Only minute amounts of the Food Grade D.E. 3 Balch JF, M.D, Balch PA, C.N.C. Silica is a natural protector. It's a detoxer. Collagen type 1 is a critical component in the complex process of collagen formation and collagen is a factor in the production of connective tissue. They said there was no research that shows any proof or shows that it actually converts into silica in the body. If you look at a lot of the top degenerative diseases, like tuberculosis, which is the most popular one with the most science and research proving the connection to silica deficiency? I love taking living silica. Scientists Discover Why Stopping Prolia Increases Risk Of Fracture, More Scientific Evidence That Our Program Goes Beyond Bone Health (It Increases Longevity Too! I don't think we'd be able to harness the philosopher's stone, the young element, if we didn't have his research. In addition to cutting the exoskeletons, the dust can effectively clog an insects' bodily openings and interfere with breathing. All rights reserved. Its connective tissue, and connective tissue is made of mucopolysaccharides – mucus and carbohydrates which help us hold the moisture we have, then yin, the fluids – collagen and elastin. I already take K2, zinc. You could follow either label instruction. I am 57 and want to increase bone den. However, once silica is ingested, then it goes to work destroying unhealthy bacteria, parasites, and yeasts such as Candida albicans. Here is a list of various insects vulnerable to Diatomaceous Earth. These scientists have unlocked a key for us to extract this element, silica, and get it into our bodies as adults and get it to work like in the spring of youth, health and life, which was almost impossible to do with any other food substance. I went on holiday at the end of September and all emails from Vivian seem to have stopped. Although I take k2 – mk4 , & k2- MK 7 . It has been shown to be highly anti-inflammatory in studies like this one: Did you know Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen? SilaLive Silica Supplement is the only silica-based supplement with enhanced food grade diatomaceous earth (85% silica) and orthosilicic acid (organic silica) which offers 2 highly beneficial and lucrative ingredients for whole body health, systemic regeneration, and cellular rejuvenation. This type of algae is microscopic and commonly referred to as a diatom. Where to buy: $19.99, Amazon If you're vegan, vegetarian, or simply avoid animal products where you can, Garden of Life's mykind organic plant collagen builder is a great collagen-packed alternative. This raw form of the substance will contain a healthy amount of living matter such as bacteria. Do not take that. To give you an example, a medium-sized banana contains about 6 mg of silica, and a carrot contains about 1.5 mg. Silica Does Not Work In Isolation Is 1x a day enough? I have an over abundance of horsetail growing in my garden, I spend a lot of time trying to eradicate it. We have a fair amount through rapid growth in our high cell turnover teenage years, and then it stabilizes for a certain degree as young adults, and by the time we're 40, it's getting less and we're losing elasticity to the skin. However, diatomaceous earth has a wide range of uses in several other industries outside the health industry. There have been thousands of news articles about how important a clean colon is to health – so it's no surprise at all that Diatomaceous Earth works very well to keep your lower GI tract and colon clean. It's just silicon and water. Silica based supplements and herbs, such as horsetail, have been around for decades. It actually has an abundance of sulfur-oxygen bonds in its natural state. So am I on the right stuff? We will then bring it full circle with our 7 Day Diatomaceous Earth / Silica Detox Diet Cleanse program featuring our amazing proprietary complex blend: SilaLive Silica Supplement. It is the [jing] substance. Remember how DE kills micro-organisms due to the sharp microscopic edges so you can imagine what can happen if it gets in your eyes, or the eyes of your pets. Couple that with quality of sleep and your diet, and you are walking a tightrope. In 1995, silica went a little more mainstream when the version G5 came out in Europe only, and that's the version still available in Europe today. You're building up crystals in the body, and you don't need that. It helps remove the uric acid and the nicotine from the cells. I want to outline just a few, basic things if you were to get on a silica program. No results in the hair, so I wonder if it helped my bones? Elements are changing into other elements. Many people with advanced arthritis suffer from what appears to be bone deformation. To me, this science is right up there with epigenetic, quantum mechanics. The older we get and the more we burn out our silica reserves, and now the minerals are not going where they're supposed to go, and the real big one that's such an issue that I wanted to focus on, is the calcium. I think I'm getting amazing results, and I'm very, very excited about this product. Does anyone have any comments on calcium causing heart attacks because it clogs arteries. The younger foods are better. This is why going back to ancient times they always used silica as an abrasive cleaning agent. The supplement industry, in general, is not tightly regulated. On a daily basis we're losing 10-40 mg of silica a day, just cutting fingernails, hair growth and just living in general. I want to lay it down, where it comes from. Today, DE is widely used a natural insecticide which makes it very popular. It was only a matter of time before research turned to medical uses. “Silicon: a review of its potential role in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.” International Journal of Endocrinology. It's great, the Kervran research that we have to add, but another group of scientists in another part of the world, going back to probably around the same time period, ironically, like 1957, the scientists invented the first version of silica supplementation. It's always through life going to use that silica using the organic silica it's born with, its “bank account” so to speak, to orchestrate mineral functions and all its biological activity and cell division. You can do more with animals because they get fleas and hopefully you do not! JUST WAS WONDERING ABOUT THE USE OF ELECTRIC BLANKETS. It’s just one of many nutrients that work together. Bed bug infestation is a widespread problem for millions of people. Other absorbent applications are for containing large spills but this requires large amounts of DE. ), Too Much Vitamin A Can Increase Fracture Risk (What To Replace It With Plus 2 Recipes), Save Our Bones Bulletin: New Drug Targets Obesity And Osteoporosis, Obesity Linked To Early Fracture Risk; Refined Grains Cause Heart Problems And Premature Death. This structural protein is produced naturally in our bodies. Why take collagen? Remember that you have to treat your plants at the proper mixture, or solution. What's making the wheel turn? He became so obsessed understanding the science. For trees, you can directly put the solution on the trunk. You've got to try it if you've never tried it. 2 Price CT et al. Instagram post 2103901270917171828_12507119015 You can and should find additional information about using DE, or you can talk to a qualified and knowledgeable veterinarian. I totally believe in SILICA BAMBOO giving it all the credit. There are two symmetrical shells that give the powdery material an abrasive quality. How Pets Benefit from Diatomaceous Earth? Look for one that has >0.5% crystalline silica. It'll put calcium there because it's trying to get an alkaline electrolyte to bring balance back. People first thought it was limestone, which it is not, and that led them to use it in their crop fields.