what controls the opening and closing of the clams shell

Put on your lab apron & safety glasses. 2. Newly imported and transported clams tend to react more slowly, but will improve as they regain their strength. There would be another one on the right side. The umbo respiratory structures. shells are still tightly shut, you will have to work the scalpel blade in Also, use arrows on that the siphon is actually made of two siphons. A prominent biological role model is the Atlantic razor clam. The clam will eventually react by closing its valves and it may even try to enclose the snail inside a pearl-like blister. Note the hatchet shape of the foot used to burrow into mud or sand. What Lives in a Shell? By Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld Awards: None Grades 1- 4 Summary: The book goes over what defines a shell, different types of shells, and what lives in a shell. Where are the What is the mantle and give its function? the right mantle below the foot and visceral mass. How do clams move? 90 found in home; smuggling operation suspected. the toothlike projections interlock. In many parts of the world, when people eat scallops, the adductor muscles are the only part of the soft parts of the animal which are eaten. As the shell is opened, 13. And we translate it into an image of the degree of opening and closing – explains the Aquanet employee. Also labeled is the upper margin (B) as seen from the underside of the shell, through the byssal opening. Some large clams like the Geoduck have such a large siphon that it Notice what are your favorite ice creams from basket robbies shop ? Opening and closing of the valves are controlled by an adductor muscle attached to each shell. oldest part of the clam shell. Turn the clam with its dorsal side down and insert a screwdriver between the This burrowing behavior helps to protect it from predators such as sea stars, along with Angelfishes, Butterflyfishes, and other reef dwelling species that … the clam and draw arrows the umbo and locate the toothlike projections. Still have questions? Armour, South Dakota, USA,