what is the role of the mirror in the poem

The mirror is an object which reflects both the persona’s subordinate role and the urgency of her repressed speech. D W Proffitt - I wrote a poem about a mirror. Sylvia Plath's poem "The Mirror" is an example of a personification poem. Discuss. In lines 55-70, what opposites exist? AP essay prompt Prompt: Read the following poem carefully. Then write a well-organized essay in which you discuss how literary devices such as point of view and tone reveal the speaker’s attitude about finding one’s self. The Mirror is the closest thing in cinema to a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, Arthur Rimbaud or C.P. written by Lord Tennyson is a mythical poem about a worman's love for an unattainable man. The mirror represents rational and objective judgement: cold and cruel in its pronouncements. In Plath’s poem – unlike in many of the mirror’s appearances with women in literature, where the woman looking sees a man, thus reflecting her subconscious desire to have the assurance of masculinity – when the woman looks into it, she sees herself. 'The Lady Of Shalott' is a prisoner of her own reflection . What is the literal meaning/definition? Explain how this poem could be interpreted as Tennyson's comment on the role and the life of the artist in relation to society. This is one of the best descriptions of a mirror in first person. I will read all of her stuff from now on. What role does the mirror play? I think the poem is about a mirror that has lived in this same house for a long time. Feminism is undeniably one of major themes in her poetry. Like the poems of Rilke, Cavafy and Rimbaud, The Mirror is a dense mesh of constellations of images and memories, a veritable mnemonic banquet. I think we are all fascinated by them. Unabashedly straightforward, the title of this poem is “Mirror”- directly citing the now sentient narrator of the poem, as well as its subject. Loved this work. Freedman maintains that, “when the mirror announces its identity, it shows an ... develops further in the poem. The mirror plays a significant role in the life of the woman. The owner of the mirror basically worships it. TPCASTT for “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath ★ Title: Ponder the title of the poem. The mirror is objective and therefore reflects everything as is. Critical perspective #2 She is the woman as male-defined https://owlcation.com/humanities/Analysis-of-Poem-Mirror-by-Sylvia-Plath The mirror represents perspective and the artists world, it certainly a self created thing but it is important to remember that one side is a shadow of the real. 'The Lady Of Shalott' feels like a shadow of her own reflection, it is perhaps that she lives as her own reflection. An ambitious woman writer, Sylvia Plath was living in an era that defined a woman’s role in a male dominated society. Mirror Extra Questions and Answers Reference to Context. Plath’s work focuses on the power of a mirror, the truth it reveals, and how it fuels the insecure & vain nature of humans. One interpretation regarding the function of the morror is crucial to identifying before one can fully grasp the rest of the poem. Answer: ... objective point of view ‘unmisted’ by projections and preconceptions is really the central theme of the poem. Personification is where non-human and non-living things are given the qualities and characteristics of human beings. She weaves what she sees in the mirror. Cavafy, those masters of the poetry of nostalgia. The womsn doesnt like what she sees in the mirror and turns to other things that will make her beautiful like the moon and candles-or a bonfire. the mirror is the way that the Lady sees and experiences the world. The following essay will also be discussing the feminist writing style of Sylvia Plath, specifically as presented in her poem – “Mirror”. The poem describes the life of a young woman growing older as she looks into her mirror. on Oct 19 2014 03:36 PM PST x edit .