what protects the visceral mass

Gills – for respiration 1. Locomotion . The type of symmetry that mollusks have is bilateral symmetry. 11. Reproduction . The skin covering the visceral mass forms the pallium or mantle. Near anus 2. Molluscan species that are exclusively aquatic have gills that extend into the mantle cavity, whereas some terrestrial species have “lungs” formed from the lining of the mantle cavity. The coiled shells of gastropods are often quite commonly found as fossils. The head contains the sense organs and "brain," while the visceral mass contains the internal organs. There are two known hermaphroditic species. Gills, when present, are … Mantle and mantle cavity. Report an issue . In general, mollusks have 3 body regions: a head, a visceral mass, and a "foot." It contains the body organs. Internal Structure & Function Many molluscs have an open circulatory system with a pumping heart, blood vessels and blood sinuses except cephalopods have a closed circulatory system . In most species, the mantle also secretes a shell of calcium carbonate. It holds the organs. Near the mouth 2. anterior iv. Meaning that the two sides are related. z A mantle, a highly modified epidermis that covers and protects the soft body. This mass contains digestive, nervous, excretory, reproductive, and respiratory systems. It forms a cloak over the anterior part of the body including the head and its appendages in retracted state. Also, it allows them to conserve their moisture, hide from predators and protect when hibernating. Introduction to the Polyplacophora. Most gastropods have a well developed head with eyes and tentacles projecting from a coiled shell that protects the visceral mass, as shown in Figure 4. One genus, Turetella, occurs in such quantities in a type of rock that the rock is known as "Turetella agate". 30 seconds . Posterior v. QQ2 -Mantle 1. It holds the organs . alternatives . Tags: Question 11 . z A mantle cavity, the space between the mantle and viscera. It protects the body. What is the purpose of the visceral mass in mollusks? The visceral mass is present above the foot, in the visceral hump. The most characteristic feature of a mollusc is the shell, which supports and protects the soft body. Mantle: layer of tissue covering the visceral mass; protects the body of a mollusk without a shell 4. Visceral mass – main body region where organs are located ii. Mollusks have well developed body organs (nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, etc.) Mantle Cavity The space between the mantle and the visceral mass is called the mantle cavity. The visceral mass containing the digestive, excretory, circulatory and reproductive organs; The mantle, an epidermal covering that secretes the shell; The shell, a calcareous involucre. Q. Visceral Mass = Present; Shell = Present; as eight separate hinged plates; Habitat = Marine; Reproduction (Genders) = Dioecious (having separate males and females). answer choices . The mantle cavity, a fold in the mantle, encloses a significant amount of space. It is lined with epidermis, and is exposed, according to habitat, to sea, fresh water or air. Radula – organ used to scrape “rasp” food off rocks 1. Visceral mass: formed by the gills, gut, and other organs; center of a mollusks body 3. The shell of the snails is a hard and firm structure, consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, which protects the visceral mass of the snail, this means the set of internal organs of the mollusk. The picture shows muscular foot,visceral mass and the mantle. SURVEY . Polyplacophorans are a class of the phylum Mollusca and are commonly known as Chitons. Protects the visceral mass 2. It protects the body . The respiratory organs (gills or lungs) are generally housed here. Ungraded . Muscular foot – used for locomotion iii. The mantle is a layer of tissue that covers the visceral mass and in many molluscs it contains glands which secrete a hard shell. The visceral mass, or visceropallium, is the soft, nonmuscular metabolic region of the mollusc. The mantle sub-serves three functions in the life of Pila globosa: (i) Protects the visceral mass and head, z A visceral mass housing the internal organs.